Etudes De Rien

Label: Coherent States

Format: LP


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Re-issue of the “Etudes De Rien” by The New Blockaders released on cassette in 2017. This is the regular edition, including a black LP.

The New Blockaders  are unique in the history of music and art. What, in our opinion, stands supreme in TNB’s 35-year existence is a passionate execution of their anarchistic and unconventional stance. In a biographical reference, TNB are often cited as pioneers of Noise music but for TNB themselves Noise music is not just an assault on tonality but a complex language of communication. From Luigi Russolo’s 1913 Art Of Noise manifesto to TNB’s T.I.C. manifesto of 1982 and their updated Anti-Manifesto of 2014. From the unrest of Harold Bloom’s “The Anxiety Of Influence” to a proverbial ease of expression alongside the fixed points of reference of the artistic world. From Fluxus and modern composition to industrial transcendence. From the fragments of Iannis Xenakis’ “Bohor” to their own unique sound. From music to anti-music, from the production of art to its rejection. From “Changez Les Blockeurs” to “Etudes De Rien”.

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Weight 0,490 kg